Little Love Stories

a series of wlw romance stories
by thirtythreedeer


This world was originally invented in 2012, in a text message conversation to my friend Tiana, who asked for a story to entertain her while she waited for a bus.I riffed off a spontaneous idea about a princess of puppies and prince of kittens from neighbouring kingdoms who fell in love but were forced apart by an evil witch whose mega crazy totally evil attack was to make the prince allergic to dogs (oh no!!!).I immediately became enamoured with it and decided I wanted to one day draw it as a comic - cut to one decade later and…well…I still haven’t drawn it!Over the years this developed from a silly little one off tale into something more - with a bigger cast of characters, new stories, and, most importantly, a switch from a heterosexual romance to a lesbian one.The two leads I invented 10 years ago are now Princess and Duchess!The intention for this universe is to tell 3 separate stories - one about Queen and Baroness, one about Lady and Marchioness, and one about Princess and Duchess.All of our leads are named after ranks of nobility in europe. Fun fact! This has absolutely no bearing on their hierarchy in the story! It’s simply their names. They all act as leaders of their little “kingdom” towns and are all friends who love each other equally!

Actual Story

Prequel: Princess and Duchess

A short introduction story, showing how Princess and Duchess meet.

Story 1: Queen and Baroness

Baroness, the leader of Citrusonia - a verdant and thriving orchard town - struggles with her disinterest in cultivation. Queen, the leader of Tweetsing - a beautiful but somewhat barren town built on the floating rocks - struggles with her desire to see her town flourishing in plantlife. Putting them together might solve more problems than they imagine.

Story 2: Lady and Marchioness

Long time friends, Marchioness visits The Oracle Lady Red at least once a week for tea - and to get her fortune read. All she wants is for Lady Red to see her future where she’s happily in love with the woman of her dreams, and yet every week all Lady Red sees is her alone. Surely, if Marchioness just keeps trying, Lady Red will see what Marchioness wants her to see!

Story 3: Princess and Duchess

The wedding between Princess and Duchess is fast approaching and both towns are in a whirl of activity preparing. Stewing in jealousy on the outskirts of Poffton, a town full of poffles, the Witch decides to put a curse on Duchess to make sure her suffering is known. She is allergic to poffles, and now so is the Duchess! What will Princess do now that Duchess can’t bear to be anywhere near her?